Sunday, July 18, 2010


There is nothing like being home. After 6 months of being away from family and friends and especially my wife, I cant say I could have had a better first couple of days home. . My wife and I have hung out at the mall, gone out for dinner, and just been with one another since Thursday. Also, we went out to dinner and a movie with some friends. I was able to go play some disc golf with a good buddy. And then when I thought it couldn’t get any better I went to church today…..

Man, nothing feels better than being appreciated by many many people that you didn’t even realize that you effected in your life. Everyone at church asked how I was doing, told me they were happy that I was back home, and was just happy to see me. Now, I know you guys might be thinking they were just being polite and yes you might be right for some but not everyone. They all threw me a little picnic for my return and then the children. Children are so innocent… they don’t know that you should be polite and say I am glad you are home. But these children that I have shared life with with their parents came up to me this morning with cards and hugs and genuine concern. One little girl ran to me with open arms and gave me a big hug. When I put her down from the hug she just stood there and stared at me for minutes. These children made me feel so good that they missed me. I guess its what they mean when we share life and learn together as extended families.

For all of those who have followed my deployment and welcomed me home I THANK YOU. You guys all know that you make the deployment life easier knowing that you are all here at home taking care of my family, my wife. I appreciate all of you and thanks for the great welcome home.