Monday, June 21, 2010

An extension of my Amer. Gov't class...

I have been taking an American Government class while I am out here in Iraq to help pass the time. The class is teaching me a lot. In addition it is pushing me that much closer to a bachelor's degree. Anyways, for class I had a case study on an article written by Scott Ritter. I really enjoyed the article and where Ritter was coming from. So I looked into more of his columns. One of which was Obama's Alternative Universe back on January.

One of the paragraphs that really interested me is the one that follows;

“The “war on terror” into which Obama seems to have thrust himself (the most recent manifestation being Yemen) remains the largest obstacle for any rational resolution of America’s problems in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Simply put, so long as the United States seeks an enemy that does not exist, it will always be looking for an enemy in its stead. The “war on terror” has the United States combing the world in search of enemies, and because American policymakers are responsive not to the reality that exists in the world today, but rather the perceptions of an American people largely ignorant of the world in which they live, and paralyzed by the fear such ignorance generates, there will always be countries and causes America will anoint as foe.”

I can see what Ritter is trying to say. We, Americans, were hurt by the attacks on 9/11 and for most of us that was the first sign of what we thought was al-Qaida or terrorists. All of us at a young age pretty much learn “eye for an eye” or some form of retaliation no matter how right or wrong it might be and that doesn’t even bring in the point, “You don’t mess with the USA.” So what is we don’t actually have a tangible enemy. What if we are attacking an idea or ideals? Do we ever “win”?

This might be our generations Vietnam and it will be very unpopular no matter what we do. The President and Congress just need to make tough decisions that they feel is the greater good for America and no one else and if it costs them their seat then so be it.


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