Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Freedoms I fight for...

In a discussion among classmates in my American Government class we discussed things that might upset us being military members or just Americans in general. Several things got brought up to include but not limited to the burning of the American Flag in protest, protesting at funerals of American soldiers, and plans to build a mosque near 9/11 site.

Several of us discussed these in pretty good detail of why it angers us and then I was thrown for a loop. Our instructor was so gracious to let inform us that all the things that angered us where all freedoms that we fight for. See we fight as military members to uphold and protect the Constitution. Our constitution gives us the freedom of speech, religion, and assembly. That is for both sides of the things we like and dislike the same.

So even though I don’t think it is right for someone to protest outside of a fellow soldier, airman, sailor, or marine’s burial ground or during the funeral, they have the right. Even if I think I should be allowed to place an American flag in my window of my house, the home owner’s association or apartment complex etc has the right to have rules against it. And the examples are endless.

So I guess I have become a little bit educated and have had my mind opened to the truth that what I fight for aren’t for freedoms limited to me and my perspectives. As hard as it is to swallow I fight for the freedoms of everyone in the United States whether I agree with them or not.


TeacHer said...

Hi Jethro! I SO didn't forget about responding to your email but I've been in a whirlwind of work since returning from the AP exam reading. I just wanted to drop you a comment and let you know that I'm not ignoring you, I just haven't had a free second to write a detailed response.

BTW - I love this post. I'm sort of a hippie (participated in MANY protests, particularly against discriminatory government policies) but I would NEVER consider protesting near a soldier's grave/funeral. However, it is true that these are the types of freedoms our military defends, and I am eternally grateful for your service.

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